Join us at the AI Sessions: Navigating the European Commission’s AI Act

An event supported by AUTOASSESS and 16 EU-funded projects: AI4DEBUNK, AI4Europe, AI4MEDIA, AI-BOOST, AID4SME, DeployAI, DiMAT, FOODITY, HEDGE-IoT, MOSAICO, NebulOuS, NexusForum.EU, ResilMesh, SOPRANO, TWAIN and TrustChain.
AUTOASSESS Plenary Meeting @ Trondheim

The AUTOASSESS consortium convenes every six months for a Plenary Meeting at a rotating location. These meetings provide a valuable forum for discussing project successes, addressing challenges, and outlining action plans for the upcoming period. The next Plenary Meeting will be hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) on April 8th and […]